THE CHANCE erscheint am 18.01.2019! Hier für euch schon einmal eine kleine Hörprobe und die Lyrics.

The Chance

We buy
And we kill
We cry 
And we feel 
We stand 
And we fall 
We can 
Grow tall 
We talk
And we fail 
We’re god 
And we hail 
Guns to threat
Fun to forget 
Where we’ve 
come from

We cross 
All lines
We toss, 
Leave behind 
We take
And we take 
We’re late 
Which we hate 
We move 
We don’t sleep 
Ripped roots
High speed 
Phones and phones 
No one calls 
Busy, emptied halls 

It’s hard to see 
Through all the misty skies 
Some people went blind 
Others still try to find 

It’s hard to see 
Through all the purple haze
These are these are
Kaleidoscope days

It’s hard to see 
Through all the misty skies 
Some people went blind 
Others still try to find 

Some people went crazy
Some people, they bent
To some this is the chance 

We hold and 
We‘re close 
We‘re bold
And let go 
We fly
And we fly 
We jam 
The whole sky
We mask 
And we hide
We pass 
Our last bite
We love
Then we stop
We fight like 
So what? 

We‘re afraid
We control 
We wait 
Then we‘re old 
We choose 
Afraid to lose 
People who 
Twist the truth 
We try 
And we try 
Better skin and 
Staying thin
Plastic free – 
Vegan urban 

Crazy rain
Crazy storm
Crazy heat
Much too warm 
Rip your clothes 
A drink to hell
Don‘t know why I don‘t feel so well 
Running, running 
Running networks
Out of water 
Running faster
Perfect plans and 
Fire disasters 
Seven Billion –
Three big masters 

It’s hard to see 
Through all the misty skies 
Some people went blind 
Others still try to find 

It’s hard to see 
Through all the purple haze
These are these are
Kaleidoscope days 

It’s hard to see 
Through all the misty skies 
Some people went blind 
Others still try to find 

Some people went crazy
Some people, they bent
To some this is the chance 

THE CHANCE ist eine Geschichte über Widersprüche, sowie die Komplexität und Schnelllebigkeit unserer Zeit. Der Song drückt zunächst in stichwortartiger Form meine Gefühle zur Gegenwart aus – ständig überfordert von Globalisierung 2.0, Social Media bzw. immer schneller voranschreitenden digitalen Welten, neuen politischen Entwicklungen und den drohenden Konsequenzen des Klimawandels. Gleichzeitig stelle ich in „The Chance“ die Frage, wie wir in einer Zeit wachsender Unsicherheit leben wollen. Wie viel Verantwortung trägt hier jeder einzelne? Können wir einen konstruktiven Weg finden, unsere Zukunft aktiv zu gestalten, anstatt uns dem Wandel in unserer Umwelt, Technologie und Gesellschaft hinterherhinkend anzupassen?

In Liebe, Ada

English version:

THE CHANCE is a story about the contradictions and complexities of present-day life. The song expresses personal feelings about globalization and modern capitalism, digitalization and social media, climate change and environmental issues, current political developments and accordingly, changes in daily social interactions. „The Chance“ also asks the fundamental question how we can and must deal with an era of growing insecurities but also – chances. How much responsibility do we all have to take? Can we find a positive and creative approach to our tomorrow instead of just adapting to technological, social and environmental transformations?

Love, Ada


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